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As stated here the economy in most African countries is performing badly. The populations are living in dire conditions. No jobs. No bright perspective.

The sad fact is that currently the majority of Africans cannot afford a hot meal a day. Some are right now eating every two day.

These are the true facts. African countries economies are either at standstill, struggling and sluggish, or in deep comatose state - compared to the upward trend existing in other developing regions of the world - as here exposed.

This is going on since the start of the Independence era at the end of the 1950's in spite of enumerable international assistance provide to African countries, and national development schemes carried by these countries - over five decades.

Obviously there is something amiss. Is it the international assistance which is not in sync with the socioeconomic reality on the spot? Or is it developing plans carried out by each single African country that are not adapted? Both certainly.
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Up to 90 per cent of the populations live in rural areas. Therefore if the plight of rural folks is not taken into account, to raising their standard of living, nothing can be achieved in any single African country to turn around the economy to produce riches for all.

That reality underscored, what does one remarks? In average only up to 5% (five percent) of national budget are allocated to agriculture development in African countries. With such a small amount no miracle can be achieved.

That is if 90 per cent of the populations of a country are left in the dark (without electricity,) not having descent revenue, how can one expects to improve the economic situation of the whole nation? Impossible.

Unless, agriculture development is backed by a strong government's support, nothing would ever happen in any African country (including South Africa) to creating riches for all.
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Wait a minute, some would be thinking. To support agriculture development? This is not congruent to the recommendations of international financial organizations. The rule is that government should not be involved in actual development. That is the rule of the imposed Liberalism doctrine. Private corporations should take care of the developing, and the "markets decide". That is what the powers of the day say and impose to African countries.

That doctrine, and several others are misleading ones that have polluted the decision making process in African countries, and put unnecessary hindrances on the path to achieving a strong economic development that would produce riches for all in any single African country.

Africans, Stop Being Poor! The Roadmap to Prosperity for African Nations, is a book based on more than three decades of economic analysis, and facts's finding, that revisited all these false misleading doctrines and dogma to propose an Integrated Developing Scheme that would, if efficiently implemented, turn around the economy in any sub-Saharan African country, to producing riches for all, and vastly improve the purchasing power of the populations.
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The propose scheme is not a "Get Rich Quick" plan. In the contrary it is one that requires constant effort from the nation, forging ahead, for 10, 20, and 30 years, under the guidance of the government, as protector of national interest and lead-investor, to achieve a complete integration between agriculture development, crops's diversification using "economic catalysts," transformation (industrialization) of the crops into added valued produces, and expansion of related services.

Yes, thirty years of constant effort! After these thirty years, the marching forward should continue unabated, but in better economic environment, because the economy would have vastly improved. Indeed, the purchasing power of the populations would have soared from US$500-1,000 level to something in the range of US$4,000!

However, this global improvement of the economic situation cannot be leaved on free wheel. That is the authorities in charge of the implementation of the Scheme need to be on constant alert to feeding the scheme, relentlessly, with new investment/projects that are "economic development catalyst". Otherwise, the decline may start again!

Indeed, any nation that believes it has reached Nirvana and slack down would be meeting trouble halfway. A more enterprising country would be by-passing the one taking for granted what it had achieved. In life nothing is gained for ever.
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The book, Africans, Stop Being Poor! The Roadmap to Prosperity for African Nations has 19 Chapters over +300 pages that provide precise, concise and useful economic information to march on towards prosperity, for not only a nation, but for communities, and individuals as well.

Indeed, page by page, investment proposals, economic suggestions and financing solutions are made for a nation, communities and individuals to move on, forging ahead to entering the prosperity era that they deserve through hard work, endurance and persistence. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!


Alighieri Dante (1265-1321), the Italian humanist wrote, in The Divine Comedy, "We are not born to act and live as fools, but to follow the ways to virtue and knowledge."

We shall paraphrase Dante and say, "We Africans are not born to live as dependent and needy, but to follow the ways to prosperity and happiness. "

How could Africans achieve that when currently everything is gloomy in African developing landscape, no jobs, rampant poverty and devastating diseases that are killing millions?

The strategy here exposed shows how to transform the vision into reality, accelerating the developing pace.

It closely links agriculture, industrial transformation of crops and services, to creating a "Synergetic Impact Factor" that energizes the "Catch-up Factor" action on the global economy.

Thus, the economy generates double-digit growth rates for 10, 20 to 30 years running � and beyond! Therefore a Least Developed African country's economy submitted to the exposed Scheme yields in average +21% annual economic growth rate for 10 years running, and its per capita GNP improves as follows

  • From US$380 to US$2,273 in ten years.
  • From US$2,273 to US$4,000 � for 10 additional developing years.

These eBooks, Africans, Stop Being Poor! The Roadmap to Prosperity/Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres! Une Strat�gie de Conqu�te de la Prosp�rit� mark the road to better living conditions and prosperity for Africa.

From now on, Africans have no reason to remain the world's poorest dwellers in spite of obstacles throw into their path by dark forces and Machiavellian. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!


"Africans, Stop Being Poor! The Roadmap to Prosperity for African Nations,/Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres! Une Strat�gie de la Conqu�te de la Prosp�rit�" as previously stated is valid to liberate a nation, communities, as well as individuals from the chains of poverty, to entering a prosperity spacing that depends only on hard work and persistence.

You decide about your future, the markets do not
. Africans are told, again and again, that the markets decide, just to cripple their creative imagination and stop them from designing the right strategy/scheme to carving an efficient path towards prosperity!

Purchase this book It will change your life for the better. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!You decide your future! Nobody else does it at your place and certainly not the markets. Behind the so-called Markets are speculators - and who knows what else, ready to manipulate said markets to plunder developing countries. You will find out how to circumvent them and prosper! Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!Should African countries choose once and for all between free market/Liberalism and State run economy? You will find out that pragmatism is more efficient to turn around the economy than dogmatism. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!Governments should not be involved in the developing process. They should not be active investors in companies. That is what you are told. It is false! You will find out why. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase the book!African countries cannot generate double-digit growth rates, year in year out, because developed countries cannot do it. Right? False! You will found out why. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!Where to find financing to implement such a "huge" developing scheme. That is not possible. Right? False! Financing exist aplenty for projects structured to generate profits. You will find out how. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!Galore of investment and financing suggestions will show you how to put your community, yourself and your nation on the path of resolute prosperity - establishing strong income building power. For ever! Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!You are told that priority should be put on Education and Health matters to boost the developing process. Sounds good and logic but it is false! In the contrary doing so will increase the level of poverty in the country and its international debts's load. You will find out why!Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!There are several Regional Groupings in Africa. Regional groupings had been advocated by experts to boost the economy and increase the portion of solvable consumers. However, the member-countries of the groupings are still as poor as before the groupings were set up fifty years ago! You will find out why regional groupings cannot assist increase the purchasing power of the populations. In brief, regional groupings are not a shortcut to creating riches for all. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!Africans themselves are so desperate, not having jobs, struggling to survive on one or two US$ a day and therefore are convinced Africa is doomed. They are wrong. In the contrary, Africa is the next destination for investment, because it is devoid of everything: Roads, hospitals, health centers, schools, and infrastructure. But this is the real asset to launching the scheme and boost the economy. Africa is not doomed! You will find out why! Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!From now on, will remain amongst the wretches of the world, the poorest among the poor, the populations of a country whose rulers do not plan for the unthinkable. That is, implement the Integrated Development Scheme. Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase this book to build economic power!You are not African? No Problem. Whoever you are, wherever you live, in a continent away from Africa, whatever is your line of business (businessperson, civil servant, member of a non-governmental organization, international civil servant, banker, investor, politician, scholar, student, trade unionist, or simple humanist) this book will assist you always making the right decision for your own business, country and organization. It is packed will hard to find investment and geopolitical facts and information right at your fingertips. This book will become your decision-making breviary! Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor!Salvation will not come from the International Community. Why? Because a competitor will never relinquish market share to the competition. Have you ever heard of a merchant giving market share to the competition? Never. The competition will have to fight to grab portion of the market. You will find out how to do it! Click here right now to purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester Pauvres!

Purchase Africans, Stop Being Poor! Purchase Africains, Refusez de Rester pauvres!